Turn thirty and cry, or turn thirty and fly? I'll admit crying is tempting, and I knew this birthday would be challenging. Women (and men to an extent) are under pressure to remain young forever, the eternal "29-year old", and we literally beat our bodies into submission. But we need not cease celebrating the years of our lives after 29. Why are we missing so many parties? The key to taking back our bodies and our hearts is to think outside of the limits of ourselves. When it's not all about us we can unplug the societal pressure cooker and restore ourselves by the logic of why we are where we are.
With this philosophy, I found a perfect thirtieth birthday scheme that was less about what I lack and more about the amazing people in my life. Too many times, I have been helped by the right person in the right place at the right time. How did they manage to be there? Serendipity? Fate? Did I care? I just needed someone, and that person's kindness changed that moment of need into one of joy. If I could recreate that and multiply it by every year of my life thus far--thirty times over--surely I would know I am in the right place at the right time not for my sake but for yours.
So, for my thirtieth birthday, I asked for thirty random acts of kindness. When I feel powerless to crush the evil in this world, I perform a random act of kindness and hope it grows into a Goliath of goodness, righting the wrongs that I cannot on my strength alone. Surely, even thirty kindnesses could work small miracles?
I have listed below the collection of kindnesses my loved ones shared with me for my thirtieth. Maybe you were the beneficiary or the successor beneficiary of a few of these. If not, fear not; they’re making their way around the world to you.

(2) My friend Michele purchased a bed kit for a child in a third-world country from Sleeping Children Around the World. This organization provides needy children with a mat or mattress/bedding, a mosquito net to combat the threat of malaria and other vector-borne diseases, schoolbag and school supplies, and clothing and footwear. For more info., visit Sleeping Children Around the World
(3) "Nothing fancy, but tonight at our Church's family fun night, Luke and I helped give directions to different events, held doors for people, helped kids wait in line by singing songs, and brought water to a busy mom who was hot. We weren't working this event, just trying to be nice. What would (Super Spinster) do?

(4) "I bought my friend’s Breakfast this morning after our long run in the hills of Leonard.

(5) "I've done this a few times lately, but today I took my elderly neighbor's dog for a walk! This sweetheart is the best!" -- Becca
(6) "One of my favorite things to do is to buy an extra coffee or two at the cafeteria at work. The cashier knows us all so well by now that I always know that she'll pick someone who really needs it. I'm never there when she picks someone and tells them their coffee is paid for, but it's great just knowing that someone got a happy surprise." -- Marie
(7) "Today was my first time coaching youth baseball. PAL 12 and under and of course I opened the door for several people today and wished them an amazing day." --Richerd
(8) "I was trying to pay our parking meter in downtown Stratford yesterday and the people in front of me were having a lot of trouble. They happened to be Americans. They let me go ahead and we recognized that American coins don’t cut it in Canada at the meters. I happily paid for them and they were so thrilled and astonished that I wouldn’t take the 5$ bill the presented me. Random acts of kindness are the best!" -- Sue
(9) "(Super Spinster), I thought of you last week as I picked a single peony flower from my garden. I took it to one of my schools and gave it to a very special grade five girl that I have been working with. I know you will understand. A week later she still has the fallen petals in a Ziploc bag that she carries around with her. Happy birthday to you." -- Sue
(10) "(Super Spinster) the other day I was visiting a large hospital. Met an elderly woman, with a walker and very shakey, in the washroom. She could not find her purse and had come downstairs to buy her husband, a patient, a coffee. She had great difficulty getting around and thought maybe she left her purse upstairs in her husband's room. I helped her search and when we were not successful gave her $5.00 to buy a coffee so that she would not have to make a trip upstairs and down again. Made me feel wonderful and just hope she found her purse. I know that is something you would do." -- Nancy
(11) "This is such a lovely idea (Super Spinster). We moved house last year, and now live on a wonderful street in Saint Clair Shores. Many of our neighbors are elderly, and my husband and I regularly look out for them, and provide help and support. So far this week we have helped one neighbor with her car battery that had gone flat, helped another move a large planter, and took care of another neighbors home while she went out of town. Just small things, but it makes us very happy to help, and it means the world to them that they have someone to turn to. Happy Birthday...have a wonderful day!" --Katie
(12) "Great idea, (Super Spinster). Yesterday I cleaned up [a neighbor's] cottage flower beds and watered them. I know my work was not as good as [my neighbor's], but it made me feel good to help out a bit at a time when she can't do it." -- Candy
(13) "(Super Spinster), I gave an Ecuadorian man a lesson on Americans. I explained that their president didn't represent what Americans were about. He truly understood when I told him how a young lady who I have known since birth just wanted 30 good deeds done for her birthday.And I gave him money to buy his young daughters new dresses for church. In these times your wishes really make a difference." --Brian
(14) "Gave a coupon to the lady in front of me to use...Boy, was she surprised, it was worth $1.50...Also killed weeds in my neighborhood park today, so it looks good!" -- Greg
(15) "This is a nice idea (Super Spinster)! I recently donated to the food pantry at my church, and will soon be helping them out with some other volunteer programs as well." --Alex
(16) "Today I was fueling my car at the Kroger gas station. The card reader wasn’t working at the pump, so I decided to pay in cash at the window. While waiting on my change, I heard the woman in front of me ask for $7.83 in gas. I approached her, and asked if there was a reason she’d been so specific about the amount. As expected, she shared that it was all the change she had. I reached over and placed my $6.25 in her hand. She seemed incredulous, 'for real? You’re giving this to me?' I told her that I thought she should have more gas in her tank. While I was walking back to my vehicle she called out that I’d made her day. Honestly, she made mine." --Stacey
(17) "I brought your sister an iced tea on a hot school day

(18) "Luke and I are surprising Drew with a lunch date for an early Father's Day celebration. We are also bringing cookies to his whole team.

(19) My friend Mehak told me about this one. She bought the coffee of the person behind her in the Tim Horton's drive thru. She returned to Tim Horton's the next day and was told she started a pay-it-forward stream that lasted from 7 A.M. until 1 P.M. That's six hours of paying it forward!
(20) "As a birthday gift, I set up a website for a former classmate who writes really insightful movie reviews. He used to work for me when I edited the student newspaper. When he was graduating (4 years ago!) he talked about how he wanted to critique films. He has a great 9-5 job now that has nothing to do with the silver screen, but movies are still his passion. He's spoken at the local library about the Oscars, posts his reviews on theFacebook.com, but he never got around to getting a website together. I hadn't talked to him in over a year, so when I sent him an email with a URL and login, he found it a very random act of kindness." -- Ben
(21) "Brought home another plant, even though I have little room for one, because I wanted for make sure the plant had a good home." -- Stephen
(22) "Bought my co-workers donuts as a thank you and good-bye before leaving my job." -- Nitya
(23) "One of my coworkers grandfathers passed away during work yesterday morning, so during lunch, I went and bought her some flowers to brighten her day." -- Hilary
(24) "My friend has a young baby, I gave her some resources for free events to bond with other new mom's. Luke and I took her to one today. She was really glad to get out of the house." -- Julie
(26) "Promotion Celebration yesterday/today at work. Not on the list this year, but seeking out the promotees and sharing in their joy." -- Alison
(27) "It’s not totally random, because it was while at work...but today my client showed up for DTE assistance completely unprepared. I had every right to send them away per our policies, but I tried my hardest to work with them to get everything they needed and I was able to stop their pending shut off and give them the maximum amount of assistance! I also provided them resources for setting up payment arrangements, budgeting and energy saving classes, and job opportunities in the area. They were very thankful and appreciative of all of the extra help I provided outside of my normal duties. Happy birthday (Super Spinster)! Know that your birthday led to one less Detroit family without utilities this summer

(28) "How about holding the door open for a man at the YMCA at 5:40am!" -- Jodi
(29) "I picked up rubbish on the street today!! Some people are such litterbugs!

(30) My friend, who wishes to remain anonymous, paid for her friend's fire insurance premium so the friend could get the benefits of her policy and start getting back into her home.
(31) "I just delivered food, housewares, clothes, and toys to a Mom in need. Happy Birthday!" -- Erica
(32) "I paid for the guy behind me at McDonald’s." -- Melissa
(33) "Clare and I went through our closets and gathered up a couple bags of clothes to donate to Salvation Army. Clare was adamant on donating these clothes to our church’s rummage sale on June 9th, but I had other plans for that day (engagement), so the rummage sale took a back seat. We settled for Salvation Army today and are happy to help those in need in the Ann Arbor area." -- Ben
(34) "On Monday, I went with my dad & his cousin, Julianne, to visit her sister, who recently had to be put in a care facility. She doesn't get many guests other than Julianne, even from her own children, so I wanted to go see her. She has been suffering from some dementia and physical problems, causing her to fall. I talked with her and, while in the room, also visited with her roomate, Mary. She was a funny lady, who had been there 5 months. You never know how many visitors people in care homes get, so I made sure Mary had someone to vent to. I told them next time I want to bring my dog, Bella, to visit them, too." -- Liz
(35) "Just donated to the JL of Detroit." -- Layne
(36) "In honor of your birthday today Alex and I volunteered to host a coffee hour/breakfast at our church. Thank you for inspiring everyone to do such great acts of kindness & happy birthday!!!

(37) My aunt delivered sweets to the medical staff at the hospital where my uncle was getting treatment. The bowl of chocolates was gone within hours. My uncle received excellent care.
I cannot calculate the boomerang effect of all these kindnesses, but I'd like to think that they trickle down to us in the nice people who let us in on the highway, who pick up the trash on our street, and who compliment us on a day when we feel rotten.
With these kinds of friends, these kind friends, bring on the years. I can't wait to fly into this next decade. I live in a better world because of them.
Super Spinster