Adventures for One: Finding Independent Joy

Dear friends,
We all have activities we love to do alone, things we prefer to revel in solo without the interruption of other human brains.  For example, I love to visit museums by myself and take as long as I like on each exhibit; I enjoy a fall evening with just me, a glass (or two...maybe three) of wine, and a Gossip Girl marathon; and I revel in a bike ride down a country road with only cows and fields for company.  I even like eating out alone, choosing whatever I want on the menu, and reading a novel while I sip wine and eat my meal. 

I'll admit it; people look at me quizzically as I munch happily over a table for one.  I imagine they think, "Who's that intellectual, beautiful woman eating that nutritious salad all alone?  If only I were brave and beautiful and healthy like her."  You may think they are saying, "Who's the lonely nerd with the book?", but I will bet they actually wonder, "Wow.  Lady on her own.  What's she eating?  Can I get that?"  People usually just think about themselves, so we worry far too much about judgments that aren't even happening.

We have been trained to believe that if we are alone we must be lonely, and that loneliness must be our own fault.  If only we were more social, more open, more loving, we w
ould never need to be alone.  What would never being alone look like?  Surely, we would all go mad, and the introverts would revolt immediately and take over the world because they are already in control of our computer systems anyway.  

We all have independent joys that replenish and inspire us, but we are discouraged from pursuing them in the open because of how we may be perceived.  Rather than worry about that, let's pursue our adventures for one with confidence and admire others as they do the same.

Now that I have admitted that I drink alone (the shame!), here is a challenge:  Share with Fun with Spinsters! what you love to do alone (keep it PG, people).  What are your independent joys?  What are your adventures for one?  And why do you love doing these things solo?  Do you love to exercise, travel, clean, cook, dance, sing, eat out, garden on your own?  Share with us!  You just may inspire us to do that thing we have always wanted to with renewed courage.

Share photos and comments on Fun with Spinsters!'s Facebook page, Instagram (#funwithspinsters), or in the comments below.  

The Super Spinster

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